• O. V. Nakonechnyi
Keywords: logistic support system, state defense forces, efficiency, forms and methods


The experience of the history of wars and military conflicts shows that in every successfully conducted military company, operation, battle, as well as in every defeat, it is necessary, along with other reasons, to look for the positive and negative sides in the work of the material and technical support bodies, their organization, capabilities and ways of providing. The development of the logistics support system has always been carried out in parallel with the development of the armed forces and methods of warfare, operations and combat. New types of weapons, military equipment, methods of warfare put forward their requirements for the logistics support system, forced to produce more modern forms of organization of the logistics support system and support methods. The system of logistic support of the state defense forces is a complex, multi-level structure. In the course of the research conducted by the author of the article, an integrated indicator was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the system of logistics support for the state defense forces. This indicator allows us to assess the effectiveness of the functioning of the system of logistics support of the state defense forces, both the system as a whole and its individual elements. The specified indicator allows you to assess the quantitative and qualitative composition of the forces and means of logistics support of the state defense forces; the structure of the forces and means of logistics support of the state defense forces; performance characteristics of weapons and military equipment that are part of the forces and means of logistics support of the state defense forces; opportunities for the restoration of weapons and military equipment, etc. In the process of the study, the author used both general scientific and special research methods: semantic - for the development of the essential part of the definitions of the categorical apparatus of military logistics; methods of economic analysis - to assess trends in the military support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine; system analysis methods - to assess the prerequisites and the integration of goals in the process of forming a military logistics system; methods of economic and mathematical modeling - to optimize the structure and internal processes of the military logistics system. Based on the results of the analysis, the author identified the main imperfections of the logistics system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and substantiated ways to improve the logistics system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine


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How to Cite
Nakonechnyi O.V. Integral indicator of estimation of efficiency of the system of logistic support of the state defense forces / O.V. Nakonechnyi // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2019. – VOL. 6 (58). – PP. 71-74. – doi: