• E. Panova
  • O. Tykhenko
  • O. Khodakovsky
  • O. Sapelnikova
Keywords: electromagnetic fields, radiation, shielding, international standards, electromagnetic compatibility, technical means


Protective properties of alloys used in shielding materials of various frequency range are complex. The subject of this study is to determine the amplitude-frequency dependences of modern metal alloy electromagnetic fields' screening coefficient. Researched: traditional materials; electrical steel of various classes and aluminum alloys, which have different widths of protective screen; metal-containing cords of various (two-layer and three-layer) plexus. The dependences of the protective shielding properties of the magnetic field due to reflection for Class 121 electrical steel and an alloy of duralumin and electrical steel have also been investigated. The purpose of this work is to determine screening coefficients in low-frequency and mid-frequency regions of electromagnetic spectrum based on measuring the screening coefficients of the most common metal protective materials; to provide reasonable recommendations for their most effective use in production for protecting the workers and electronic technical equipment against electromagnetic fields and radiation. Measures of protection against electromagnetic field and radiation exposure, based on the principles of reasonable sufficiency, taking into account the least possible spending on them are proposed. It has been proved experimentally and economically that the most effective means of protection against electromagnetic safety in enterprises under the complex effects of various electromagnetic fields is electrical steel. As a result of the obtained ratios of protective properties (due to electromagnetic energy and electromagnetic wave reflection), protective modification designs with a minimum coefficient of electromagnetic wave reflection in an unwanted direction in a different frequency range have been rationalized. Such conclusions provided an opportunity to propose a calculation method for determining the optimal thickness of the protective magnetic shield, for the most favorable efficiency in these conditions. This minimizes the amount of referencial and experimental data and also determines the thickness of the screen for the required efficiency, reducing the total cost of the protective structure.


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How to Cite
Panova E. Researching the protective properties of metallic electromagnetic screens and determining their maximum efficiency conditions / E. Panova, O. Tykhenko, O. Khodakovsky, O. Sapelnikova // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2019. – VOL. 5 (57). – PP. 103-107. – doi:

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