• O. Chmykhova
  • P. Shchapov
  • V. Kulichenko
  • А. Gorbulitch
Keywords: diabetic state, glycemic dynamics, parametric identification, polynomial model, medium risk, identification algorithm


The subject. Elements of analytical and structural synthesis of the procedure for identifying the glycemic dynamics model by the criterion of maximum likelihood. Objective. Reducing the risks of identifying diabetic conditions using polynomial glycemic dynamics models. The task. Based on the results of glucose tolerance testing, investigate the possibilities of parametric recognition of diabetic conditions when the dynamics of glucose levels are approximated by a polynomial model of any order. Use an analytical expression to minimize the average risk for structural synthesis of the type of diabetes identification procedure. Confirm the effectiveness of using the obtained structural diagram of the procedure for identifying the glycemic dynamics model during glucose tolerance testing. Conclusions. A block diagram has been developed with an adaptive (with respect to the number of identifiable glycemic models) structure and a corresponding computerized system for multilateral identification of glycemic dynamics models using two glucose tolerance tests. The possibility of increasing the reliability of diagnosis using the proposed method is proved, compared with the standard one from a value of 0,972 to 0,974 (training sample size N = 60). Keywords


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How to Cite
Chmykhova O. Parametric identification of diabetic conditions using polynomial glycemic dynamics models / O. Chmykhova, P. Shchapov, V. Kulichenko, GorbulitchА. // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2019. – VOL. 5 (57). – PP. 88-91. – doi: