• Yu. Glavcheva
  • O. Kanishcheva
Keywords: face detection, Viola-Jones method, frame brightness automatic stabilization, face and its parts detection probability


The purpose of the article is to analyze the most common technologies for detecting text plagiarism. Results Research on the problem of plagiarism in academic documents is being conducted in different countries, including Ukraine. Today, information technology is actively used for detecting plagiarism. The complexity of detecting plagiarism is due to the fact that there are different types of plagiarism. The article analyzes the main types of academic plagiarism. The most well-known software, which allows to identify fragments of potential plagiarism, is considered. Plagiarism detection systems in academic texts are constantly being improved. But despite this, there are some aspects of these systems that need to be improved. The main task - the creation of a system, which will identify all typed of plagiarism with a sufficient percentage, and will be more multiporpose. The signs of determining the author's style for determination of plagiarism are investigated. Two main approaches to the definition of text plagiarism are analyzed, the main advantages and disadvantages are defined. Conclusion. At this stage, the focus is on finding text plagiarism. Software tools that are based on the search for similarities give fairly accurate results, paid attention to a number of factors and limitations in the search for similarities. For this reason, other approaches are being actively pursued. One of them is the identification of plagiarism based on the author's writing style. It is still practically not implemented, but has potential uses. The use of effective software tools to detect possible plagiarism will contribute to the implementation of the principles of academic integrity , will contribute to increasing the quality of educational and scientific processes both in Ukraine and throughout the world.


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How to Cite
Glavcheva Yu. Identification of text plagiates in academic documents / Yu. Glavcheva, O. Kanishcheva // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2018. – VOL. 6 (52). – PP. 83-86. – doi: