• A. Rysovaniy
Keywords: binary sequence generator, pseudo-random sequence, shift register


The subject of research in this article is the process of synthesis of nonlinear Pseudocasual sequence generators in a finite field GF (3) based on the use of the first state of the state matrix. The goal is to develop a method for synthesizing nonlinear generators of a Pseudocasual sequence in a finite field GF (3), based on using the first column of the state matrix as the main generation element. Task: creating a mathematical description of nonlinear Pseudocasual sequence generators in a finite field GF (3), based on the interaction of the first column of the state matrix and the matrix of relations of different degrees. The problem is solved due to the fact that in the well-known method of describing nonlinear Pseudocasual sequence generators using polynomials that generate the maximum period, the connections of the outputs and inputs of the triggers are described using a matrix of relations. And the shift of the previous state by one digit is the operation of multiplying this matrix by the initial, initial, state of the register. The following results were obtained: a method for synthesizing generators in a finite field GF (3), based on using the first, initial, state of the generator as the main element of generation. The mathematical apparatus for describing the operation of the shift register with nonlinear feedback is given. The paper shows examples of the formation of various degrees of the matrix of relations, shows the role of the free member of a polynomial in the formation of a test matrix. Conclusions: in this paper, for the first time, the statement about finding any state of the generator based on its first state for a finite field GF (3) for two half cycles of the generation cycle is given and proved. The above formulas for finding the states of a generator can be used to construct a generator circuit without using feedback.


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How to Cite
Rysovaniy A. Synthesis method of nonlinear generators pseudocasual sequence based on first use condition of the state matrix in the final field gf (3) / A. Rysovaniy // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2018. – VOL. 6 (52). – PP. 79-82. – doi:
Mathematical Models and Methods