• I. Ostroumov
Keywords: coordinates, positioning, aircraft, navigation, classification


The paper considers a problem of aircraft positioning, especially stand-by or alternative to global navigation satellite system methods of aircraft coordinates determination in airspace. Interference with electronic equipment and jamming produced by personal devices have been discussed as main causes that may lead to complete lock of GNSS positioning function. Paper is devoted to important issue that is connected with reducing of positioning accuracy that is the main peril for future development of future air navigation infrastructure and decreases safety of aviation. Paper represents an analysis of prospective methods that use pairs of navigational aids of area navigation that includes usage of Distance Measurement Equipment, VHF Omni Range, and Non Directional Beacon data. Several possible ways of accuracy improving of distance measurement equipment were analyzed that can increase accuracy of positioning by area navigational aids. For instance, usage of modern digital equipment and changing the parameters of navigation signal can be used to achieve the required navigation characteristics. Wide area of multilateration, passive positioning approach, pseudo-satellite, MOSAIC/DME and diverse ranging methods are considered as possible future alternatives to GNSS in aviation. Their advantages and disadvantages are considered in the article. General classification of aircraft positioning methods, including area navigation algorithms is developed. Study outcomes of future positioning approaches indicate that current air navigation infrastructure of navigational aids does not meet requirements of precise future area navigation. Proposed solution for this problem is to introduce completely modern systems grounded on pseudo-satellite principle or wide area multilateration, but it requires absolutely new navigation equipment. As a result, in the future, a revision of the minimum equipment list will be required due to necessity to use new avionics systems in order to ensure accuracy requirements that can create inconvenience for air carriers.


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How to Cite
Ostroumov I. Analysis of prospective area navigation systems / I. Ostroumov // Control, Navigation and Communication Systems. Academic Journal. – Poltava: PNTU, 2018. – VOL. 6 (52). – PP. 14-19. – doi: