Features of tour product development for shore-excursion services for cruise ship passengers

Keywords: cruise tourism, tour product, tour operator, cruise line, shore excursions


In the article the main approaches to the definition of the term "tour product" and "tour product for shore-excursion services for cruise ship passengers" are analysed. The article presents the process of development of a new tour product, which consists of the following main stages: analysis of the market of tourist services and the main suppliers in it; idea generation; development of tour product concept; formation of a tour product; formation of a tour product proposal for a cruise company. The requirements of cruise companies to the tour product for shore-excursion services are summarized. The main stages of the process of selection of a tour operator in the port of call by a cruise company are indicated. This approach to partner selection demonstrates the importance of close cooperation between cruise lines and tour operators in achieving a high standard of service and competitiveness in the cruise tourism market.

Author Biography

Natalia Remzina, Odesa National Maritime University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Instructor at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Tourism


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How to Cite
Remzina Natalia Features of tour product development for shore-excursion services for cruise ship passengers / Natalia Remzina // Science Journal «Economics and Region». – Poltava: PNTU, 2023. – VOL. (4(91). – PP. 172-177. – doi:https://doi.org/10.26906/EiR.2023.4(91).3209.