Methodical apparatus for using the innovative approach at enterprises in the service field

Keywords: investments, innovations, enterprises of the service sector, efficiency


In today's dynamic business milieu, the confluence of business and service sectors accentuates the transformative impact wielded by avant-garde methodologies in fortifying strategic management paradigms and operational prowess. This article delves into a critical inquiry, meticulously dissecting the multifaceted layers inherent in assessing the economic viability of avant-garde strategies tailored specifically for the service sector. Embracing the nuanced complexities intrinsic to this sphere of operation, the author delineates an expansive array of comprehensive methodologies. In the pursuit of unraveling the complexities entwined within the contemporary business landscape, this article probes deeper into the symbiotic relationship between the realms of business and service sectors. It elucidates the profound impact wielded by cutting-edge methodologies, serving as catalysts in fortifying strategic management paradigms and elevating operational efficacy. This scholarly discourse meticulously scrutinizes and navigates the multifaceted layers intrinsic to assessing the economic viability of avant-garde strategies tailored explicitly for the service sector. Embracing the dynamic nuances inherent in service-oriented operations, the author expounds upon an expansive repertoire of comprehensive methodologies. They include the formulation of a robust and discerning indicator system, enabling astute projections that delineate prospective profitability, meticulous scrutiny of economic sustainability, and a calibrated gauge to measure the depth of innovative assimilation within service-centric projects. This scholarly pursuit embarks on an ambitious endeavor—crafting a meticulously structured methodological framework. This framework aspires to arm decision-makers with a comprehensive toolkit of informed insights, poised to catalyze a discernible enhancement in the competitive prowess of enterprises operating within the expansive and dynamic realms of the service sector. The ultimate goal is to empower organizations with the strategic prowess necessary to navigate the intricate tapestry of the service industry, enhancing their competitive edge amidst evolving market dynamics.

Author Biography

Metin Bayram İbrahimli, Odlar Yurdu University

Postgraduate Student


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How to Cite
Bayram İbrahimli Metin Methodical apparatus for using the innovative approach at enterprises in the service field / Metin Bayram İbrahimli // Science Journal «Economics and Region». – Poltava: PNTU, 2023. – VOL. (4(91). – PP. 153-159. – doi: