Features of Legal Regulation of the State Agrarian Policy of Ukraine in the Conditions of European Integration

  • Iryna Pasichna National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»
  • Olena Skrylnyk National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»
  • Andrii Skrylnyk National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic» http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9622-4217
Keywords: agricultural sector, state policy, legislation, legal regulation, European integration


The legal bases of realization of the state agrarian policy in Ukraine are investigated. The composition of the agrarian legislation of Ukraine is determined. The legislation of the European Union in the field of agriculture is analyzed. Agrarian relations are regulated by a wide range of bylaws, which contain general legal norms and do not define specific mechanisms for the functioning of the agricultural sector of the state economy. Legal norms governing the implementation of state agricultural policy should be defined at the level of law, which clearly sets out the principles of state implementation of measures aimed at intensive agricultural development, taking into account the priorities that correspond to the course of European integration. Adoption of the law will contribute to the creation of a unified legislative approach to the formation and implementation of state agricultural policy and state policy of rural development. It is substantiated that the implementation of the law will ensure the creation of favorable conditions for living in rural areas, sustainable economic growth of the agricultural food sector, the formation of a favorable investment climate in the agro-industrial complex and strengthening Ukraine's export potential in agriculture.

Author Biographies

Iryna Pasichna, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

PhD (Law), Associate Professor

Olena Skrylnyk, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

PhD (Law), Associate Professor

Andrii Skrylnyk, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

PhD (Economics)


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How to Cite
Pasichna Iryna Features of legal regulation of the state agrarian policy of ukraine in the conditions of european integration / Iryna Pasichna, Olena Skrylnyk, Andrii Skrylnyk // Science Journal «Economics and Region». – Poltava: PNTU, 2020. – VOL. (3(78). – PP. 12-19. – doi:https://doi.org/10.26906/EiR.2020.3(78).1992.